Content Program
Is your content getting the attention it deserves?

Our expert content program delivers valuable content that showcases your expertise and authority

Are you missing the content that delivers more website traffic, better user engagement, and lead registration? 

 We design and build deep expert content that offers your audience informative, educational, and engaging content.

We deploy this content on your site using the methods and structure that search engines recognize and prioritize.

This expert content gets more traffic and educates your prospects and allows them to further their movement on the buyer’s journey.   

Introducing the Topic Expert Content Program


Topic Expert Content Benefits:
  • Increase Search Engine results page ranking  (SEO)
  • Positive customer experience
  • Increase user engagement
  • Increase conversion of offer page Call to Action (CTA)
  • Authority and trust building

Your prospects want to find you. They need your services, and are turning to search engines like  Google to find firms that do what you do.

Unfortunately, the search engine results pages are serving up both you and your competitors.

Why? You’re all using the same keywords to create and organize your content.

To separate your firm from everyone else you’ll need to organize content in the way search engines reward: by topics, not keywords.

Google understands and rewards topical authority, not keyword usage.

What is a topic?

A topic is a concentrated, single area of your business (think, Project Management or Business Continuity). It’s a collection of related information accessible from one central hub or pillar page on your website.

By creating an expert topic page you are providing the viewer with an in-depth authoritative overview of the topic. This topic page provides information on the topic, without going into too much detail, and organizes other content that the visitor might be interested in seeing. This additional information is organized into content clusters, which are more detailed blog posts and articles.

Because your site has deep, authoritative and organized content on the topic, Google rewards your site and raises its position in search engine results pages (SERP).

Your website gets more visitors, they stay longer and convert better.

In order for your content to get the best exposure and engagement, it has to cover the range of an entire topic– and we can help you do that.

How It Works


Develop your content

Create a topic-driven content plan (versus a keyword-driven plan) that will raise your search engine ranking and satisfy your audience need for in-depth content.



Attract more visitors

Deploy your first customer engagement-oriented topic expert content page

Design internal and external link strategy to boost SEO


Engage more prospects

Design calls to action to engage visitors

Provide initial and quarterly ranking performance reports

Content that demonstrates your expertise

Content fuels the marketing fire. Are you missing the essential content components that get results, like more website traffic, better user engagement, and lead registration?

Take our Topic Expert Content Marketing Quiz

Test your knowledge of the importance and impact of content marketing.

Topic Expert Content Deployment

Let’s discuss how content can play a major role in your marketing system. We’ll discuss the areas of expertise of your consulting firm and how expert content can lead to higher SERP results and more leads.

Featured Testimonial

"Valens Point’s content project delivered just what we needed; great content, on time, and on budget. They delivered beyond what we expected."

John Shutter

Manager, Sales & Marketing Services, Communicorp

About Valens Point

We help early-stage tech companies accelerate growth by building brand credibility, establishing repeatable lead generation, and supporting sales and partner teams. The result — effective marketing up and running in a fraction of the time it would take to recruit, hire, and train an internal marketing team.