Does Your Firm Need a Marketing Leader?

By David Smith

Your tech consulting firm needs a marketing leader who aligns marketing strategies with business goals and works to build awareness and trust that attracts new customers.

This role extends beyond tactics—it provides strategy, direction, and accountability for the firm’s marketing function.

During the firm’s first years, marketing may be the responsibility of the founder, several key principle consultants, or a key manager. However, a dedicated marketing leader is critical as the firm sets a course for growth and industry leadership.

10 Indicators That Your Firm Needs a Marketing Leader


1️⃣  Marketing strategy doesn’t exist. Definitions of ICP, messages, problems solved, and other strategy elements are not documented and updated.

2️⃣  Undefined brand position. The firm has no reputation or recognition in the market.

3️⃣  Ineffective content strategy. Content is a tactical exercise versus being researched, planned, and executed.

4️⃣  Poor customer journey knowledge. The firm doesn’t understand how prospects learn about, research, and engage with solution providers.

5️⃣  There is a lack of thought leadership. There is no precise position in the market or industry. The firm isn’t known for anything other than vendor alliances or past staff augmentation projects.

6️⃣  Badly performing campaigns. Awareness, engagement, and lead-generation campaigns never deliver the desired results.

7️⃣  Fragmented marketing activity. Marketing is done in fits-and-starts, wasting time, effort, and money.

8️⃣  Anemic lead generation. Lead generation is not consistent, predictable, or effective.

9️⃣  Poor lead quality. When leads are identified, they are not aligned with the firm’s core capabilities and not representative of the ICP.

🔟  Vanity metric reporting. Performance reporting concentrates on metrics that look good but don’t progress toward firm goals.

Marketing leaders help to transform firms from competitors to industry leaders. They refine customer acquisition strategies, accelerate revenue growth, strengthen customer retention, and raise lifetime value.

The Point?


Firms with solid marketing leadership enjoy 19% faster revenue growth and 15% higher profitability (Forrester), making a seasoned marketing leader not just an option but a necessity for growth-oriented tech consulting firms.

Want insights on how tech consulting firms can master lead generation?  Check out this new eBook and improve your firm’s results.

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About Valens Point

We help early-stage tech companies accelerate growth by building brand credibility, establishing repeatable lead generation, and supporting sales and partner teams. The result — effective marketing up and running in a fraction of the time it would take to recruit, hire, and train an internal marketing team.